In the kitchen

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


You ever notice how some people profoundly lack social cues or social graces, or even social appropriateness?

The girls and I were at the Bangor Waterfront (my new favorite place- who knew it was so nice?) having a picnic today when I had the most unusual interaction with a total stranger.

He was older, scruffy and with little or no teeth (not a judgement call, just a statement of fact.) He said a quick hello and then shot over to me, "How do you like our tax dollars at work?"

I, very regretfully, replied, "What?"

He took two quick strides over to our picnic table where my very innocent, impressionable young girls were eating their lunch.

"Five million dollars to clean up the oil seeping into the river from up by the Shaw's! They are going to clean it up and it will just keep pouring back into the river! They need to fix the problem where it is leaking! Idiots!"

At this point I struggled. Agree and make him go away? Will agreeing even make him go away? Do I want to teach complacency to my girls?

Better yet, do I even know what he is talking about?

No, but that has never stopped me.

"Well, I don't know that much about it, but perhaps they are cleaning up the oil in the river because of the environmental impact on the people and the wildlife in the immediate future and then are planning to fix the leaking later." Crazy as it sounds...

This is where it got ugly.

"What is that sweethaaat?" he says, using his Maine accent to drip condescension.

Then the bomb: "I bet even your husband knows this is not a good idea."

Followed by: "I worked in Augusta for five years. I know about these things."

Now this guy is really on my bad side. I wanted so much to tell him off, but again, watching children. But then he looks at Maya and delivers the final blow: "I bet that little guy looks just like his father."

Mercy, please help this man be removed from my presence. Right. Now.

Grace came in the from of my phone ringing to say that Sandi had sent me a text message. I told him I needed to get it, knowing there would be no one on the other line, but playing the role anyway knowing this was the most peaceful way to have this man and his ignorance away from us.

After he left, Ella turned to me and said, "What was he talking about?"

I wanted to yell out to him, "Hey, don't forget- vote no on 1!"


Ella was telling me the teachers told the kids to take something home to their moms and dads. She said, "But I don't have a dad so I will give it to you and Mommy."

I waited a full day and then asked her if it bothered her that didn't have a dad. She looked at me like I had two heads and shook her head forcefully. "No, Momma. I really don't want a dad. I really want two moms and that is what I got."

Please, please go vote No on 1.

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