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Saturday, September 26, 2009

how finding running is like finding Jesus

This has been coming for a while. It solidified into an idea when I passed a church (during a run) whose sign said, "Have you knee-mailed God lately?" And I thought, well no but I have prayed to my knees just this morning...

You know, the running "convert." I fear (and hope!) I am one of them. The one who has found the "way." The one who wants everyone to become a runner, wants to go door to door to spread the good news?

These are some of the ways a person who finds the power of running is frightening similar to one who has recently found Jesus. I'm not talking about the common church-goer. I'm talking about the folks who feel it is their responsibility to convert all around them, lest their neighbors go to you-know-where.

1. They talk about it all the time. With strangers, grocery clerks, the postman ("I just love my savior, the Lord Jesus Christ" or "Wow, my legs are must have been the cross over into double digits that did me in" and "Man, these are the best running shoes ever! So worth the money!") I think, regarding both parties, most of the time people wish they would shut up.

1 a. They have to discuss it with like minded people to avoid judgement and eye rolling. Runners and the converted speak in excited, hushed tones when together, thrilled to have an ally and let all the joy that no one else understands flow freely.

2. They feel the need to broadcast their new found love in the form of bumper stickers, share it online in the form of chat rooms and subject forums, read books about the topic (Runner's World or the Bible) and collect all peripheral information like what food packs the most nutrient punch or what biblical guidelines are a must-follow.

3. They pray and give thanks. Runners to their knees and feet and sneakers. Devout followers...well, you know....

4. Runners consume food with the reverence the devoted consume communion.

5. Both camps look to the advice and wisdom of their leaders for the best way to get to Zion or across the 20 mile threshold- coaches and physical therapists or priests and the pope.

6. Runners think running will fix almost anything the way the zealous feel that Jesus will.

7. The devout feel that no one has ever felt as inspired as they do, as though they are the first to feel divine connection. And runners, well, they are the same way. It is as thought THEY invented running.

And then there are children who are shocked by very few things. For example: "Ella, I ran home from Fisher Farm today! Can you believe it?" All I got was, "Oh. Hey Momma, can we get coconut a new toy?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you need to be a writer... along with being a mamma - in all your spare time of course!!!

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