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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

magic happens here

For those of you who don't know, my running has had a bit of set back.

In the form of a broken femur. Stress fracture. Or at least that's what the physical therapist assumes.

I was super excited to run the Mount Desert Island Marathon in October before I got this nagging, and then hobbling pain in my right leg, right along the medial edge of my femur. I had to cut way back, got PT which advocated a bunch of exercises as well as smart use of the leg, not to eliminate running but to do it cautiously. And to bike "like a madwoman." All in all, I am on the road to recovery. But not on the road to the MDI marathon. Not this fall at least. Here's to 2010.

Turns out I wasn't irresponsible in my training. I just had done a lot of impact by combining running with plyometrics as well as wearing some incredibly comfy, and ultimately damaging insoles that lifted only my heel up and made my gait unbalanced for many, many miles. And without the insoles, the sneakers tore off several layers of much needed skin around my heel in the form of a massive blister which took more than two weeks to heal.

I had to get new shoes and thanks to the advice of the PT and some gracious birthday money...

...the magic of Brooks.

At $100 these are the most expensive sneakers I have ever had. One run in them told me why this was such a great investment. And, in one of the most mature moments of my life, I was able to appreciate my body's ability to run 5 miles again, rather than begrudge my lost long runs. My motto in my head became "I want to run for a long time. I want to heal this safely. I want to invest in my future running." And yes, someday, 7 and then 10 and then 13 and then...who knows...

1 comment:

Angela said...

Nice!! They look like they've already seen the barrens!

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