In the kitchen

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

mischief set loose

The girls tried to take me down today.

I'm not kidding.

It almost worked.

Ella, with her recent start of preschool, is utterly exhausted and has had a hard time keeping her emotions from overtaking her. Last night she cried for a solid 20 minutes, clutching me and sobbing, saying something was bothering her but she didn't know what. She is a most sensitive child and doesn't take to transitions well.

Maya woke at 4:30 a.m. which meant I was up a full 2 hours before the sun today. And she has been on full screech all day long.

We have to put Maya's footed pjs on backward now, zipper in the back, because she removes them in her crib before she falls asleep. For sure, next will be the diaper. This is the mastermind at work that we contend with all day.

She cried through the last 2/3 of our trip to the grocery store, attracting the attention of other customers in the "oh, what is that mom doing to that poor child!" kind of looks.

I was cooking in the kitchen, infinitely grateful that Maya was playing so well in her play kitchen.
Until she came around the corner with powder all over her hands... and then showed me the empty garlic powder container she had stolen from the kitchen table.

She had been doing a bit of cooking of her own.

A vacuum clean-up later, a trip to the farm to get veggies, fast forward to me cleaning up supper, again grateful Maya is playing so well by herself.

Yup, playing on herself. AFTER her bath.

When I had decidedly had ENOUGH and was getting teeth brushed and heading for bed 30 minutes early, I saw Maya standing on a kitchen chair taking a bite out of every shucked ear of raw corn on the cob I had on the table.
This all begs the question: When will I realize a quiet Maya is a troublemaker Maya??
Emilie would be proud of me, though, because when I saw the garlic powdered hands, I grabbed the camera before a washcloth.


When Two Becomes Five said...

One must always be suspicious of quiet children... when our children are quiet we often jump from our seats to investigate! ha! I'm proud of you for grabbing the camera too! I would have done the same thing!

Unknown said...

grin... again!

Angela said...

Too funny and too familiar! Your house must have smelt wonderful!

...and your seriously adding a KITTEN into the mix. Crazier than I thought!! xoxo

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