In the kitchen

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

she just won't stop!

More from Ella...

After watching an ambulance go by, sirens blaring: "Sometimes people's brains go this way and that way and they need to go to Mommy's hospital. Sometimes they can't talk."

"Momma, those earrings look like eyeballs!"

"Maya, do you know that people don't last forever?" (another gulp.)

"I'm excited about fall because no more fruit flies. I'm not excited about the chill I'm gonna get." (Me neither.)

"It hurts right here on my leg. What is up with my body??"

"I went to the folk festible and I came home with such good ideas!"

"I'm so cold. Like winter cold. Like cold like I'm a snowman."

I asked Ella how she could possibly remember some tiny, insignificant detail about something that happened months ago that I couldn't recall. She answered, "I keep it in my head. Yours probably ran away." (You have no idea...)

"An oven mitt is so good for your body because you won't burn your hand."

When Gramma was following us in her car: "How can Gramma see where she is going? All she can see is the back of our car."

"I want to live with you, Momma." (Ummm... you already do....)"I mean when I'm a parent. I still want to live with you." (Gulp.) "Okay," I said. What else was I going to say???
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