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Monday, September 21, 2009

Kitten Update

You won't be surprised to know the kitten is perfect. Apparently we did our time with the fraidy cats and we picked a winner. He is charming, adorable, affectionate, outgoing and loves to be in the middle of the stimulation.

Ella is the consummate cat owner. She spends hours snuggling in the chair with him, crooning over his soft ears and pink nose, the way his fur falls just so. She sternly reprimands anyone who treats him with less than kid gloves (Maya and Mochy) and proudly shows him off to all who want to see.

Some of the things we have overheard Ella say:

"I just can't take my eyes off him."

"He has my love in him and I have his love in me."

"I am his mom. You are his babysitter."

"Momma, will you take care of my kitten for me while I am at school?"

My mom said this one: "You can't possibly think about leaving that kitten overnight! He is just a baby!"

And, of course, Maya: "Helamena jee jee jee, kitty, kitty, ha ha ha." Which I translate to mean, "Listen, kitty you are going down. Make no mistake about it. I will win. What are you made of anyway? Think I'm afraid of a little claw?" And then the "ha ha ha" needs no translation.


Angela said...

I'm afraid of a "little" cat claw...... Watch out Mymy!!

Seriously though, he is soooo adorable :)

Unknown said...


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