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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

blissful fatigue

The good news is that I ran my 15 miler outside this morning and I DID NOT break a nail.  I did get some weird chaff on my neck from my clothes which has never before happened but I can deal.

Honestly, I felt (to quote Charlie Sheen) like I had "tiger blood in my veins and the DNA of Adonis." 

In an attempt to cut myself some slack, something I don't make a habit of doing, I started out at a slower than normal pace (as is suggested for long runs) and picked off the hills one by one, reminding myself to go easy and not rush.  It worked.  I kept strong the whole run with a few standout miles that were faster. 

What I was not expecting however, was running headlong into a strong wind that spit thousands of splinters of ice in my eyes every mile.  I told myself not complain and to be proud of each passing mile and I only briefly panicked about the potential loss of my vision from ice shards permanently scratching my corneas.

Sandi had hot tea, a warmed up bathroom for a shower and a protein shake at the ready for my return.  Am I lucky or what? And watching the snow fall from the comfort of my chair it doesn't seem so bad out there.

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