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Friday, January 21, 2011

(almost) packed out and, after the blizzard, headed out

We are going to be in the air tomorrow at this time.

That would seem REALLY awesome if there wasn't SO much to do between now and then.

This is my first real, grown-up, plane flying, resort staying vacation.  We depart for Orlando tomorrow to stay for a week, most of which will be spent at Disney and Sea World. 

The girls are beyond excited and everyone we talk to says, "It will blow them away" "they will have so much fun"  "they won't believe it."  So, once the laundry is washed and folded and packed, the pellet stove is cleaned, the carry-ons figured out, the dog secured at the kennel, the house cleaned up, oh and I run 9 miles, I will be ready to be blown right out of this blizzard we are having, and to sunny Walt Disney World.

The girls are beyond excited.  Their high points so far?  The plane, the rental car and the fact that the breakfast with the characters we are going to MIGHT serve dessert with breakfast.  Priorities. Maybe we could have saved the $1200 theme park tickets and just flown to Florida to eat some dessert...

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