In the kitchen

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Fish Tail - Part II

We got another fish.

This one, reminiscent of it's predecessor, is named "Baby Fish."

We're hopeful for her future since she swims around roughly 100% more than the recently deceased "Fish Fish Baby Fish."

She is a female Betta who will be living her days in solitary (with only herself to look at in a hand mirror for stimulation -she gets all wild thinking she must attack when she sees herself in the reflection) so that we can preserve her current state of being alive. The male Bettas (which we had) are very beautiful, with brilliant colors and large, flapping fins. In some cruel game of nature, the females are puny and muted in color. Ella, of course, choose the girl. No amount of "Oh, look at this pretty one!" would sway her. She wanted the red girl fish. The fish bowl is sitting on our kitchen table and Ella loves to watch her while she eats since Baby Fish tends to blend in with the red plant in her bowl and Ella thinks she is playing hide and seek.

On a side note, here is a conversation about beauty Ella and I had a few weeks ago as we were leaving the house.

Ella: Will people look at me when I wear this dress?
Me: Yes, I suppose they will.
Ella: Will they look at me because I am so beautiful?
Me: Well, yes. You are beautiful. (And herein ensues a deep discussion of how it is important to know that you are beautiful in who you are and what other people think is irrelevant. I attempt to ride the fine line between encouraging unabashed self-confidence in Ella along with a touch of modesty.)

Ella processes all of this momentarily.

Me: (purely out of curiosity) Am I beautiful?
Ella: No.
Me: Will people look at me when we go out?
Ella: No.
Me: Why not?
Ella: Because you are not beautiful.

Thanks a lot. (She did tell me later that I looked beautiful because of the necklace I was wearing. I think she thinks beauty is all about accessorizing.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad all is now well in the fish bowl... was so anxiously awaiting an update ; )
For the record, I feel the Carver household is brimming with beautiful ladies-(just in case anyones confidence was crumbled)!!!
So sorry to miss a visit this weekend, MUST do it soon...
Love J

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