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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thoughts on Question 1...

I write this to you in love.

In the wake of voting day and specifically the results of question 1, I have many thoughts and much emotion. I want to share some of myself and what I feel in hopes that it will reach as many hearts as possible so that we can start making this right today. If you feel compelled, please share it.

I have not been able to stop crying. I feel so much sadness for our state and our world. It is not the outcome of the vote that devastates me. It is the consciousness out of which the vote was cast that draws my tears.

Question 1 was a repeal of our state’s same-sex marriage law. But it had little to do with marriage. It had everything to do with civil rights, rights that ensure one’s ability to participate in civil life without discrimination or repression. This was a moral issue, a human issue, a spiritual issue. And I thought we were further along in our spiritual journey as a people than we are. I truly believed that the greater majority would vote no on 1. I wasn’t worried about it because I believed. And this morning I woke startled to find I was wrong. And I have not been able to stop crying.

I said this morning that I should have been more vocal, more visible, more present for this campaign. That maybe it would have made a difference. But that’s not me. I am who I am, and if I teach, it’s by example, not by standing on a soapbox or behind a podium. This morning I felt like that was not enough. And so I want to share more of myself that perhaps my experience might glean some insight into making this right today. I want to start a new campaign. Because again, this has little to do with marriage, and a whole lot to do with love… respect… equality… transcending a place of repression and hatred to a place that we can live together in peace and harmony. It starts here.

Initially, I had moments of anger that so many people would cast a vote which took away my rights. But more importantly, those people cast votes carrying a much larger message. That I am less than. That my family is less than. That we are somehow not as deserving of the same rights as everyone else. That I, as a spirit created of and by love, could be less than any other spirit of the same. As one of our dearest friends put it so clearly - This is ridiculous. Ridiculous in a very sad and devastating kind of way. Sad in a heartbreaking kind of way. Sad for all those souls that understand life as love.

Our household, as well as those of many of our friends and families, gay and straight alike, have been so very heartbroken this morning. Our hearts weep for a society that chose repression. But to look at the light in this darkness, wherever there is heartbreak, there is opportunity for expansion into a place that is more capable of love. There is opportunity for more awareness…. We can be better. We can be more than we were yesterday. This is a gift.

When one is repressed, we are all repressed. I am filled with compassion for those who hold in their hearts that which caused them to vote yes on 1. What, but fear, would cause someone to deliberately vote for repression? And usually people fear because they don’t understand. What they fear is the unknown, that which is outside of their “normal.” And we can’t fault for that. Their hearts are the same as ours… we just know differently. Anyone who is born outside of the “normal,” whether it is a handicap or a race, color, or sexual orientation, can tell you that his or her experience is different. Anyone who has had an experience outside of the “norm” can also tell you that it changes their perspective. People living outside of the “box” usually have an understanding that despite the differences, we are all the same, all equal, all created by and of the same, and all capable of the same love and appreciation. Because of this their hearts are more capable of inclusion and understanding. With more and more spirits being born outside of the “norm,” we as a world are being forced to grow and expand in love and acceptance. If you had never been outside of the “norm,” or had not allowed your heart to look outside of the norm, it would be harder to learn this lesson. It is my belief that those who voted yes on 1 fall somewhere in that group. And my heart hurts most for them. In this moment, I hold them most tightly and pray for their heart’s opening. My anger has dissipated and is replaced by compassion.

The contrast born of this heartbreaking outcome can only serve to strengthen us, if we let it. We can make a choice in this moment to find ways to be more loving, for that was what this was about in the first place. Equality, respect, movement toward acceptance and understanding… all born of love. To those who didn’t or still don’t understand, I offer my heart. It is full and rich with acceptance, compassion and love for you.

The campaign I mentioned earlier… it is exactly as I have just shared. To love those who do not understand - those who fear and choose hatred and repression, as that is what they know. My campaign is one to turn our anger or sadness into something much greater - to expand our ability for love and respect. It is said that freedom will never be given by the oppressor, but must be demanded by the oppressed. While that holds truth, I think we, on our spiritual journey, can be even better than that. I want to choose to hold love for my oppressors, break into their hearts, and allow them to know and feel something more. Only then will the change be real. I want to choose love and hope that my oppressor feels something different than the fight. Peace and love are not born of war. Love bares love. It is simple. This is my campaign. And I entrust you to share it. To live it. To fill yourself with compassion today.

This love that we have to hold and offer is the very thing we seek for ourselves. While I am deeply saddened at the results of question one, this has provided us with a valuable reminder to be the change we wish to see in the world.

And for those of you who didn’t really care how the vote turned out or didn’t get fired up in some way over it, I would offer this….. find a way to care. We need more love in the world.

As always, it starts here.

My love to you all. May we find a better place. Today.


exuberance said...

(sigh) I can really relate to that, Sandi. I've been trying to get to that place all day and this has certainly helped. I hope this can only feel better tomorrow and I can start living that way again because today I was ugly, bitter and wounded. Today I was nothing but selfish and disappointed. But tommorow is another day filled with possibility...Charissa

Anonymous said...


These words? Oh, my.

This is the sentiment that is going to save the world.

Equal rights sound like a perfect first step.

Thank you for this compass.
This charge.


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