We were visited by the pig. As in the swine.
We've been very careful. But it snuck in like a chilly winter draft under the front door, unseen and unwelcomed.
And there we were Thanksgiving weekend with high fevers, coughing, headaches, sore throats and crying (the girls and the moms).
Thrown into quarantine, we did what anyone would do.
We decorated for Christmas.

Even the pets got involved.

Ella had a little spa time while Maya (who was the sickest of us all) napped.

And then, stealing Emilie's idea for making gingerbread houses with graham crackers, we set to work.

Painting mini ice cream cones with glaze and rolling them in coconut for snow:

Ella's masterpiece. I'm pretty sure we lost an entire jar of pink sugar to this construction.

My work of confectionery art. Ella would leave the table and then come back: "You still working Momma? I guess I'll do some more too." And on would go more sugar and chocolate chips.

I have no idea how Sandi pulled this off with Maya on her lap. Perhaps it was because Maya was more interested in putting the candy in her mouth than on the house.

We only took pictures of the fun and kept the camera in hiding for the ugly side of being stuck inside with sickness. Overall, I think we rallied well, with moms not needing the prescription called in for Tamiflu and only one trip to the doctor to rule out strep and scarlet fever (!) for Maya. I was under the weather all weekend with an upset belly, general yuck feeling and a body wanting badly to have a fever. All in all, I performed a magic trick on the wood pile so that it disappeared, got the dead, brown skeletons of my perennial garden down and now we are ready for our gaudy outdoor Christmas decorations. I am so much tougher as a person being a mom than I was before. Sick? Well, if I'm not going to be asleep in bed, why can't I load a little wood?

My work of confectionery art. Ella would leave the table and then come back: "You still working Momma? I guess I'll do some more too." And on would go more sugar and chocolate chips.

I have no idea how Sandi pulled this off with Maya on her lap. Perhaps it was because Maya was more interested in putting the candy in her mouth than on the house.

We only took pictures of the fun and kept the camera in hiding for the ugly side of being stuck inside with sickness. Overall, I think we rallied well, with moms not needing the prescription called in for Tamiflu and only one trip to the doctor to rule out strep and scarlet fever (!) for Maya. I was under the weather all weekend with an upset belly, general yuck feeling and a body wanting badly to have a fever. All in all, I performed a magic trick on the wood pile so that it disappeared, got the dead, brown skeletons of my perennial garden down and now we are ready for our gaudy outdoor Christmas decorations. I am so much tougher as a person being a mom than I was before. Sick? Well, if I'm not going to be asleep in bed, why can't I load a little wood?
Dear Carver immune systems,
Do you think we could be done with heavy sickness for the year? Please?
wow, it looks like you all had way more fun than we did this weekend, and we weren't sick. love that carver spirit!
Love to see that even in a full swing flu, El doesn't ditch the dress for more appropriate snuggly warm clothing!
Seriously though, who loads wood with the flu? Take a break woman!
Side note - we are planning on doing those same graham cracker gingerbread houses at Anna's party, so be prepared and bring your game! Maybe we'll even award prizes for the coolest house.
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