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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2 kids...squared

In exchange for taking our girls in June so we could have an overnight away, and just for the pure sport of it, we had Brady and Anna overnight for a sleepover Saturday.

Not surprisingly, their kids won the gold stars for behavior while our kids preyed upon our weakened parenting states and tested at every turn (okay, mostly Maya.) Looking through these pictures, I was not at all surprised that our kids were so tired we put them to bed just before 5 p.m. on Sunday and we ourselves were asleep before nine. We played...HARD.

And made a mess at every turn.

Thankfully Maya and Anna have reached the point where they no longer grab, pinch, squeeze, bite (Maya), push and antagonize each other. There was a whole lotta lovin (and, as it turns out, nakedness) going on.

Feeding time at the zoo.


Sandi with a bucket of children dumped on her...

I swear these two really are like an old married couple. Look at them bathing their babies.

Maya is giving herself a pep talk in the mirror.

They spied the neighbors bounce house and over we trekked.

And then, we somehow managed to pick up another child to come back to our house to play on the playset. We looked like we were running a camp. Two adults and FIVE children. The announcement of ice cream cones= a dead on sprint from the four-six year olds.

And a big, fat mess for Anna.

And, thankfully, sleep came to the tent set up in our foyer... a mere three hours later than usual for Ella.

As our dear Brady and Anna departed the next day with tired eyes and happy smiles, we were left adoring them completely, assured in our certainty of the size of our modest family, and amazed at how easy having two kids suddenly seemed.


Angela said...

As if we did not already know - these photos show how lucky we are to have such wonderful friends.

I can't imagine a funner day for my babies!

LOVE YOU GUYS and THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Wonderful... Just love looking in on your babies!

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