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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

wake-up call

Maya has been waking up earlier and earlier every day. This morning it was 4 a.m. with a small rest in the bed until 4:25.

All I can say is that I think I might lose my mind if this moves to the 3 o'clock hour.

The one saving grace is TiVo. I catch up on my daytime TV while I try to unplug my eyelids, gather up the necessary sippy cup and Cheerios to sustain some long range plans for snuggling in the recliner. And then Oprah, Ellen, Maya and I all sit down to visit. And two pots of tea.

I knew I hadn't had much sleep when the tears started. I was watching an Oprah episode about a mom of three who had been in jail for stealing and getting high on heroin. She was about to be reunited with her kids after a 900 day incarceration. I cried like she was returning home from war or from a close-call operation. I cried like I related to her, as though I could find myself in this situation with my kids not really knowing who I am.

Then I remembered that I don't shoot heroin and that, unless it becomes a felony to eat too many chocolate chips on a spoon with peanut butter, I will probably not lose my kids.

On to bigger and better things...President Obama's announcement of the Supreme Court Judicial Nominee, Sonya Sotomayor. I am feeling happy and proud of this woman, a 54-year-old Puerto Rican who has worked her life for this honor. Then the President starts talking about how her parents came here with nothing, her father had a 3rd grade education and they lived in the housing projects in the Bronx. Oh, boy... Her dad died when she was a kid and her mom worked two jobs to support she and her brother, buying them the only set of Encyclopedias on the block.

Then Judge Sotomayor speaks and I come unglued. She says, "I sit on the shoulders of countless people, yet there is one extraordinary person who is my life aspiration. That person is my mother. I am all that I am because of her."

The lady from jail thanked her mom for caring for her kids during her imprisonment. The judge is thanking her mom for a her supreme court nomination. Apples and oranges but moms are moms.

And this one has been up since 4 a.m.

I better get a shout out when my girls are giving their Oscar acceptance speeches or winning Wimbleton.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No worries Mom, you are one to be revered and remembered!
Any thoughts on trying to win out on the 4am out of bed time? If she knew she wouldn't be rescued right away, would she maybe lay back down for a little more rest?? And maybe little by little, you gain more time... I'm guessing you've tried this strategy, but just a thought.
Hugs... jm

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