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Sunday, June 29, 2008

The X

So some of you have heard me talk about P90X.

The tag line for this extreme workout series is "Do you want to get ripped in 90 days?"

Every morning, or at least six days a week when I would rise at 5 a.m. I would ask myself this question.

Usually the answer was, "Not really."

Why then? Why remain dedicated for THIRTEEN weeks to a program so grueling (I'm talking 13 different workouts on varying schedules designed to "confuse" your muscles so that when they adjust to the difficulty of something, you switch it up make them do more) that I think the Navy SEALS might want to think about incorporating it into their training? For me the answer is simple.

It's called mental sanity.

Yes, you heard me. I gave up much needed sleep for a little something called endorphins. This became my morning coffee, the jolt that would put me in the frame of mind to keep up with our little rugrats day in and day out. It was the only time that I could carve out for me (although at least 60% of the time I had one or both girls underfoot by the time the workout ended.) Getting ripped (which I must admit I am a little bit) was just an added benefit.

I had started P90X before Maya was born, got halfway through and gave it up when she was 10 days old for obvious reasons. When she was just shy of 5 months, I decided I was ready and needed an outlet. It was either exercise, eat, or take up a drinking habit. Exercise seemed the best, albeit not the easiest, option. Trish and I decided to do it together and I am incredibly grateful to her for it. She made it fun. I could have done it myself but I would have just pushed through. Trish brought the joy factor, all the way around. When it would get hard (well it started hard- I should say when it got impossible) and the sequence for one arm push ups or one-legged wall squats would come on, Trish would start badmouthing Tony, the coach, and swear at the TV. What better way is there to start your day then to take out all your pent up aggression at a defenseless recording?

And even though I begrudged my early risers, I have to admit I love that the girls get to have role models of capable and strong women. "Is that hard. Momma?" Ella would ask as we grunted and sweat like men trying to do just one more rep of the 15th push-up exercise. I love to see Ella leaping across the floor with us doing Plyometrics or getting on a yoga mat and copying all the various forms of stomach crunches. She thinks resistance bands are the most fun toy ever made. Sandi bought me some push-up bars (to make it harder- go figure) and Ella loves them. Sometimes now in the middle of the day she'll pull them out. "Just a minute," she'll say when I ask her to come. "I've got to do my push-ups."

So what's next for me? Another round of P90X, of course. We did the classic program. Next time I will do the lean program which has a bit less of the crazy muscle building work and more cardio to lean down. Mostly, I want to maintain what I have worked so hard to build. First a break is in store for this strong but tired body. But not too long - there is no grass growing on me.

P.S. Thanks Trish for bringing it. You rock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Suzanne!

Way to go following it allllllll the way through.

That's no small accomplishment.

Well done!

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