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Monday, February 25, 2008

Welcome Manharts!

The fun has come to town- specifically to Hampden in the form of Emilie, Sam, Sklyer and Reed Manhart. Our dear friends have moved into their house only 2 miles from us and we are thrilled! We've already tried out the "I'll be right over" thing. They bought a lovely cape with the charm and architectural surprises of an old house with all the modern conveniences a family of four needs.

Things have been operating so smoothly in our lives these days. We've been able to connect with lots of our friends and family with birthday parties, visits and sharing meals. What a blessed bunch we are. I truly sit in appreciation of all the wonderful people that surround us. This weekend, our friends Maria and Jeanine (a.k.a. the loyal commentors on this blog) came over and watched the girls for me on Saturday (Sandi was at work) and I drove up to the Manhart's former house in Old Town to score a bunch of free firewood they weren't able to use. Not only did I get free heat but I also drove up and back with Emilie and we NEVER get time like that alone with out our kids. Good to know, I like Emilie just as much, if not more, just as herself and without her "mom" hat on.

Ella had a rockin' good time with Maria and Jeanine (and thanks you both for the Easter purse- she has carried it all over town) and wants to know when her "friends" are going to come back. In the afternoon, Kris and Brevan came down to stay overnight and we went to Mindy and Charissa's so the kids could all play together -and play they did! We had such fun. And then yesterday, Ella and I made two giant batches of chocolate chip cookies and took them in to Sandi and her coworkers (I figure I'll bribe them with food and they'll treat her well, cover her so she can pump, maybe give her the easy patients since she is so sleep deprived- I guess there are no easy patients in the ICU). In the afternoon my mom came up and we had a great time as always. She is a big help and I really enjoy her company. I think I also love that she boosts me up and tells me what a good job I do.

I'll leave you with a funny one:

The other night I was rubbing Ella's leg as usual before bed (some people like there back scratched- she likes her calf rubbed.) I told her I was tired and could she please rub my leg. She thought that was funny and obliged. "Momma," she asks. "Why do you have fur on your legs?"

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