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Sunday, April 25, 2010

easter egg in seriously, look hard for the eggs you won't find them

There are a lot of things that are really cool about our life.

But did you know that one of them is that we know the Easter Bunny?

The Bridge Alliance ( ) is a really cool local group whose main mission (I think) is to bridge the gay and straight community, or host events for gay people and straight allies or something like that. All I know is that everything they do is super fun from rocking dances, to an awesome Pride event, to hosting Santa and the Easter Bunny at the Maine Discovery Museum for kids.
Let me go on record to say that our friend Katie was the cutest Easter Bunny ever in existence. I'm pretty sure her partner Alex (pictured below) who was in charge roped her into it. The really funny part was that we had dropped Katie off at the museum with her makeup bag in hand for her big bunny debut. She rode in the back of the car with Ella the whole time discussing bunny logistics and when Ella sat her lap she gave not a clue that she recognized Katie. She did inform us, however, that she was fairly sure it was an Easter Bunny representative and not the "real" one.

They even used child labor in the form of their daughter, aka the bunny assistant.

The great part, and the raise-the-level-of-difficulty part was that there were about 100 more kids this year than last so it really was a hunt for eggs because they ran out. Our friend Jeanne had to run to the store to buy more!
Mindy snagged one from somewhere and hid it in the beaver dam for a very pleased Maya.

She was quite impressed with her sugary find.

Then our friend Jeanine (as in Jeanine my most faithful commenter on the blog!) did some artistry on our girls' faces.

Our own little rodents. How cute.

1 comment:

Katie said...

yay! we're famous! we made the blog! awesome pics. ;o)

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