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Monday, September 15, 2008


We had the pleasure of attending Reed's blessing on Saturday. Sandi took literally about 400 pictures and, instead of downloading them and attempting some originality, I'm just going to refer you to Emilie's blog for a feast of photos and an account of the joyous occasion. Please visit What a lovely time it was.

For those of you who don't know, I love to read. I usually have 2-3 books going on at once and I find myself trying to steal time to read, staying in the bathroom for longer than is truly necessary, secretly cheering when Dr.'s appointments run late so I can catch a few more pages, and even staying up and reading by flashlight so as not to disturb Sandi for as long as my eyelids will remain open.

As a side note, I have always, not so secretly, hoped that I would be chosen by the Weekly newspaper for the weekly question- you know, where they ask you a question and take your picture? When this comes in the mail every Thursday, I quickly skim (and scoff at or nod along with) the opinions of the eight people polled. I have spent actual time wondering question they will ask me when we do meet up.

I have always hoped it would not be "What is your favorite book?"

Not because I don't have one, but because I have so many! I love all the books by Wally Lamb, Jodi Picoult is my favorite author, Barbara Kingsolver is pure magic, and Janet Fitch writes like poetry is more prevalent than red blood cells in her veins. It would be impossible, and downright unfair, for me to choose just one! But their editors would think nothing of nixing my list in favor of a single title were they to ask me this very loaded question.

But rest assured, dear readers. My worry is all for naught. I have found my favorite book.

I trust you understand what a big deal this is. Please know that no favorite can ever be written in stone and that one must have the right for a revised favorite should another exceptional, even more profound book present itself to me.

My favorite book is (gulp!): "eat, pray, love: One woman's search for everything across Italy, Indian and Indonesia" by Elizabeth Gilbert.

If you haven't yet read this book, please go get it. Right now.

It's profound, hilarious, touching, personal and gets down deep inside and shifts things around. Won't say more here. I will let you experience it for yourself. Or maybe you have read it and already know.

(Okay, and to counterbalance: on a not-so-favorite note... Last week in Target a CD caught my eye. It was by Julianne Hough from one of my favorite shows- don't judge please- Dancing with the Stars. Julianne is an incredibly gifted, incredibly young dancer who I just love to watch. Oh, and, at 19 or 20, she has won the show -twice. So I bought the CD, anxious to see what else she could do. The good news is, she can sing. The bad news is, the writing is so bad that it doesn't do much to showcase her talent. If anyone wants a copy, you can have mine.)

Go check Emilie's blog now.

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