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Monday, October 15, 2007

From Bad to Worse

She sees the camera and a smile creeps on her face!

Hey everybody. The title of this is no joke. Now Ella won't even take baths. Everything we suggest we get a firm "NO!" My mother has sent me an email containing what she calls some very sage advice which is "QUIT PICKING ON ELLA!" Trust me Mom, that is no easy task. We've resorted to the sponge bath for the mandatory cleaning areas and I am embarrassed to say how many days it has been since she's had her hair washed (rest assured, it's shorter than a fortnight). Tonight she gave Sandi a big hug goodnight and then ran from the room screaming "Don't hug me! Don't hug me!" Living with Ella these days is like living with a whole lot of crazy humming inside a thirty pound time bomb. Okay, a slight exageration but that's really almost expected in a blog, right?

But really the reason for this post is to alert you of the impending Carver family celebrity. Namely, our little family will be featured (along with our dear friends the Merrill-Maguire's) in an article for the Bangor Daily News about the legalization of second parent adoption in Maine. For gay families this means the non-biological parent can adopt (Sandi can adopt Ella). This is HUGE news. Our local paper (which is also online at ) interviewed and photographed us today and will be running the story on Friday. We are going to be pursuing adoption for Ella and the new baby - the elusive "baby M"- when she is born and once we mobilize legal funds (read: save up the cash). So check it out on Friday!

Love to all of you who take the time to read our ramblings! We so appreciate your thoughts and love!


Emilie said...

omg. skyler and ella are covertly conspiring to ruin us all. there must be something in the stars this week. have you read our blog lately? skyler is OUT OF CONTROL.
GREAT news about the adoption thing. I'll pick up lots of copies of Friday's paper.
Love to you

Unknown said...

CONGRATS on the adoption(s)! This is truly great news for all of us whether it effects us directly or not...we're heading in the right direction!
Would Ella think anything of some coaxing to want to be nice & shiny clean for the arrival of baby "M"?
Not like you haven't already tried that spin.... Good luck, it'll get better - tomorrow she'll move on to something new : )

Lesley said...

Congratulations, that is great news! :)

No new updates in two days...does that mean Baby M has arrived??

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